Jackie Chan said once that he never injured himself doing a big stunt. If you've seen his films, then you'll know that he's fallen from clocktowers, slid down huge poles in the middle of shopping centres and run down the sides of slanted skyscrapers. During this time, it is indeed true that he's never hurt himself. Rather the times he's hurt himself have been during the 'little' stunts, like jumping to catch a tree branch.
Of course this speaks of human psychology in general. When we're building up to something big, that's when we pull out all the stops and look into additional safety precautions. When it's new, we make sure to do everything absolutely by the book to get it just right. But when we do something every single day, it becomes routine. And it's then that we start to get complacent and begin to allow the silly little mistakes to creep in.
This is what makes workzones so dangerous - particularly when construction has been drawn out over a long period of time. You're working with powerful tools and causing disruption to the local surrounds, and yet it's easy to forget all that because it becomes such a 'normal' thing to do.
That's how serious mistakes are made which lead to serious injury. Read on to learn some of the most common mistakes that get made so that you can stay constantly vigilant to avoid them.
Pushing It Too Far
You know when you've nearly completed a project but just don't have the time to finish before the end of the day? You can push it that little bit further and continue working over the clock to finish, or you can pack up now and have to come all the way back for just a few hours' worth of work the next day.
The answer on almost every occasion is to go home. Otherwise you will be working while overtired, while rushed and in twilight - all of which can lead to a serious accident.
Forgetting Signs
There are many warning signs you can use in and around your workzones, which include things like traffic cones. Make sure that you find warning signs and traffic cones for sale so that you can use them to mark the most obvious hazards.
Not Cleaning Up
If you think back to when your Mum used to tell you off for letting your room get messy, you may recall her saying you should 'tidy as you go along'. The same goes for your workzones. Picking up tools and rubble as you work can not only reduce the amount of work you have to do later, but also remove trip hazards that could otherwise cause accidents.
Not Checking Equipment
Most work sites will use a lot of powerful equipment in order to carry out their work, so it's crucial that you maintain this equipment and avoid any potential problems. Things like Jackhammers and powerdrills will often have screws that need tightening, while routine performance checks are also advisable to make sure they are operating properly.
These are just some of the common mistakes that managers make on work sites. Just make sure to stay vigilant and not to get complacent and you can avoid breaking so many bones as Jackie Chan...
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Today's guest author, Chris Morrison, is a financial consultant. With years of experience and deep knowledge in the field of consultancy, he is well equipped to tackle almost any financial difficulty. He is an ardent blogger and gives tips upon managing financial issues in his articles.
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