Tuesday, 14 May 2013

A List Of The Top File Sharing Website's In Popularity Order

Many people think of these website’s as movie downloaders and other illegal downloads such as software and music. Let’s get this straight, these file sharing websites are not created to allow people to upload and share movies, games, music and other software. File sharing is simply made for users who share pictures, there own videos, there own software and many other things, basically things that they have created or have the rights to share!

Phew, now we got that out of the way let move on to the big countdown. I have tried to list these in order of popularity (note this may have changed since writing this). So let’s begin!

  1. FilesTube - This is not much of a downloading website persay, but it is a search engine that will find files matching your criteria. FilesTube will search files in various file sharing websites.
Ranked 191 By eBizMBA 144 Alexa Rank 179 Quantcast Rank
  1. 4Shared - This is a fantastic file sharing site I have used myself, it has 0 downtime and is extremely fast! It also boasts many features, here are just a few of them; 100GB storage, maximum file upload at 5GB and a bandwidth limitation of 100GB per month.
Ranked 219 By eBizMBA 73 Alexa Rank 148 Quantcast Rank
  1. MediaFire - This is a great cloud file storage service which was founded in late 2006, so it is well established. They boast a staggering 150 million users per month and 1 billion files sent and received per month! They have three packages too from basic up to business. The business holds a massive 1TB of space for just $49.99
Ranked 445 By eBizMBA 59 Alexa Rank 800 Quantcast Rank
  1. Rapidshare - I am sure everyone has heard of this one! I think it is one of the first ones I used back in ‘06. These truly do have awesome support on their service. Their pro service gives you 250GB to play around with the account deletion removed, so you don’t have to worry about logging in every now and then to keep it live
Ranked 495 By eBizMBA 100 Alexa Rank 650 Quantcast Rank
  1. Box.net - I have personally never tried this service nor heard of it but the stats do not lie! These guys come in at #5. On research I have found it to be like DropBox where you drag & drop and it will sync it to their servers. It does seems to provide a hell of a lot of services for the price though. Things such as 1000 GB of data storage, 2GB file size limit, sync files right from your desktop, you can even have google application integration!
Ranked 1,611 By eBizMBA 1,038 Alexa Rank 1082 Quantcast Rank

Please just remember when forking out for one of these accounts that you remember you cannot share files like other people do with stolen music and movies etc. Your account will be terminated pretty quickly, I mean you only have to lookup and see what happend to Megavideo to understand why.

Luke write for Citrix ShareFile and has extensive knowledge in data management, for more information or any questions to ask him please comment below and he will get back to you.

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