Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Information Overload! (Part 2)

         When you're constantly multi-tasking, important things can fall between the cracks.

A lawyer who negotiated an unbelievable deal in favour of his client was asked how he did it. He replied, I was the only person at the meeting that day who didn't spend the whole time text messaging!

A respected researcher says we've trained our brains to constantly flit around the universe of messages and information, seeking brief hits of excitement. Grazing ceaselessly, we never dig too deeply before moving on to the next distraction... and it ratchets up our stress levels in ways we're only starting to understand.

Another expert says: We get more information in 72 hours than our parents received in a month, and most people don't have skills to deal with it. they let new things in, but don't get rid of old information they wanted to act on.

When was the last time you enjoyed some relaxed, uniterrupted down time?
Can you even remember? We're so results-oriented that unless we're doing something that can be quatified, we think it's a waste of time. The fact is you need time away from the unrelenting onslaught of information to regroup, reflect and recharge.

Come...apart...and rest a while, because when you don't come apart, you fall apart!

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