Saturday 28 July 2012

You Too Can Succeed! (Success Series)

The Success Series Cont'd...

Hello there my lovely readers, hope you enjoyed my last post on Success, the Success series continues.

Please I will be very happy to know your opinion on this article, you can do so by leaving one or comments, thanks.

Now lets move on.
Success is an in-born tendency. Every
one wants to succeed in life. In every child, we are told, is the potential for a successful life. Many boys and girls fail to succeed because they are never shown the way to success. They have all to succeed but are not grounded in pratical success principles.

A great scholar lamented that, "So many promising youths, and never a finished man", he also stated further that "Every youth should be taught to expect success, and to believe that he was born to succeed".

History of science, arts, and social sciences, politics, military, and business reveals quite a number of men who have done significant things before reaching the prime of life.

Alexander, ascended the throne at twenty and conquered the then know world at thirty two.

Julius Caesar conquered three hundred nations became a great orator and one of the greatest statesmen when he was still a young man.

Washington, one-time American president was appointed Adjutant-General at nineteen.

Galileo was just eighteen when he discovered the principle of pendulum.

Macauley was a celebrated author when he was twenty three.

Napoleon was only twenty seven when he defeated veteran (powerful) marshals of Austria.


The cry of youth is success! Great success! The purpose of this Success Series is to encourage, inspire and stimulate boys and girls who want to succeed in life but do not know how. These principles will give you a guide, a chart to follow and a direction through life's journey to success.

Now here is a question for you...
Where or what will you like to be in the next five (5) years?

Comment your answer, thanks.
The Success Series continues, don't miss a post, you can subscribe via email or the feed.

See you at the top!


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