Monday, 25 February 2013

Native American Made Ornaments And Their Spiritual Meaning

Probably one of the most significant “features” of the Native American culture was the fact that the people were extremely conscious of Mother Nature. They celebrated all her forms and creations and also believed strongly in the spirit that resided in everything. Small wonder then that Native American made ornaments also have an extremely high spiritual significance. Almost everything that went into making the ornaments including
  • Color
  • Material
  • Shape
  • Theme and
  • Depictions had a deeper spiritual significance.

Native American made ornaments are wonderfully colorful and bring together almost the entire spectrum of colors and tones to create ornaments. But if you look at the colors that are used in these creations each one of them has a special symbolism. For instance, in ornamental arrows, the color yellow represents the sum of sunshine. Black stands for the male energy and blue stands for the female energy.

When it comes to Native American jewelry, you will notice that they are made of several different types of materials and can also come with animal motifs among other things. In ancient times, Native Americans picked specific material to make the jewelry based on the spiritual qualities that were said to be inherent in the material. For instance, a pendant made from a bear claw would give the wearer protection from the spirit of this animal and in all probability the bear claw was indeed sourced from a bear that the wearer had killed.

Native Americans made ornaments in a particular way when the individual wanted some kind of protection. For instance, the ornament known as the dreamcatcher is extremely unique in its shape. It is a symbolism of the spider and the spider web.

This spider web in the form of the dreamcatcher is normally suspended above the cradles or cots of babies to catch bad dreams before they can disturb the baby. Arrows, especially painted arrows, also offer protection. Traditionally, such painted arrows were fixed to the entrance of the home to afford protection for everyone who resided within.

There is also lots of significance attached to the gems - both precious and semiprecious - that go into making Native American ornaments. For instance, turquoise, one of the most popular gems that go into making Native American jewelry is said to be lucky and to promote good health for the wearer. Jasper is also said to be good for health and performs a role of protecting the wearer against negative energy.

James is a writer and blogger with 5 years experience.

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